Jan Lassche

Werkzaam op het snijpunt van overheid en (openbare) gezondheidszorg. Begonnen als Fysiotherapeut en daarna verzeild geraakt in het management van ziekenhuizen, provincies en GGD-en. Anders...
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Rob Tieben

PRESENTATION for Dutch program 2 Flirten met de Homo Ludens PRESENTATION for Track 8 Hey 🙂 come play, live happy & healthy!

Edith Zuiderent

Edith Zuiderent is managing director of Onwijs multitouch specialists, an innovative, award-winning Dutch company, leading in creating and developing multitouch games for healthcare, especially for...
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Enny Das

Enny Das has a background in social psychology and communication science. She obtained her PhD in social psychology at Utrecht University (2001) with the dissertation...
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