
Speaker Info

Stephanie Jansen-Kosterink
Roessingh Rehabilitation Centre
The Netherlands
Stephanie Jansen-Kosterink, PhD (female) has a background in human movement sciences (VU University Amsterdam). Stephanie joined Roessingh Research and Development (Impact lab for personalised health technology) in Enschede in October 2008 and her work mainly focusses on the clinical and societal evaluation of personalised health technology. End 2014 she successfully defended her PhD thesis: “The added value of telemedicine service for physical rehabilitation”. As senior researcher she works (and worked) on various European and national projects (e.g., including FP7-MyoTel, FP7-CLEAR, FP7- PERSSILAA, H20202-Back-Up and H2020-RE-SAMPLE). In these projects, she was responsible for the overall (clinical) evaluation of the developed eHealth service with end-users in daily clinical practice. Stephanie currently works as senior researcher and is as a board member of the regional ethical committee an expert in ethical guidelines for eHealth evaluation in a clinical setting. In 2015 Stephanie passed her GCP-WMO exam and since 2017 she is qualified to use the SROI methods to assess the societal impact of innovations, such as personalised health technology and eHealth service.



Presentation Info

Broaden Our Horizon: A Different View on the Evaluation of Games for Health.
A wide variety of digital tools are available in care, but the uptake is still disappointing. In this keynote, I will address my solutions to assess the impact of digital care such as Virtual Reality (VR). It is important to broaden our view towards the evaluation of these tool and innovations. Of course, the clinical perspective is important to address, but also the user and societal perspective should be part of an evaluation. Traditional study designs do not fit with this view on evaluation and therefore, we have to search and gain experience with non-traditional study designs, such as the cohort multiple Randomized Controlled Trails, the Micro-randomized trials and the Stepped wedge cluster randomised trials. In this keynote, pilots within the SCALE-UP4REHAB (Interreg North-West Europe) will be presented as case studies. This keynote will end with the relatively unknown Social Return on Investment (SROI) method, to assess the societal impact of an innovation and the need to use this method to force us to make choices about which innovations will be continued and scaled up, given the limited resources and capacity in care.

