Speaker Info
- Name
- Julie Vranken
- Organization
- UHasselt, Ziekenhuis Oost-Limburg & Jessa Ziekenhuis
- Country
- Belgium
- Biography
- The Mobile Health Unit (MHU) is a multidisciplinary research and development center in the mHealth domain (www.mobilehealthunit.org). MHU was established in 2012 as a structural collaboration between Hasselt University, Ziekenhuis Oost-Limburg (ZOL) and Jessa Hospital. In addition to multidisciplinary research, the MHU aims to support the entire mobile health innovation cycle starting from idea to product by committing to prototype development (hardware and software) for healthcare, and offering a clinical living lab to test new products & processes under scientific supervision. Since 2020, Julie Vranken is the project coordinator of MHU and has a background in Biomedical Sciences (magna cum laude). She has initiated several PhD projects, European funded projects (e.g. Interreg EMR) and coordinates already funded projects such as BOF, Interreg EMR, EWI, etc. She had expertise in conducting and setting-up clinical-academic research, regulatory affairs in clinical practice, guiding medical device development from bench to bedside, bridging the gap between medical experts, engineers, start-ups and scientists, and looking for innovative solutions for clinically relevant problems.
- www.facebook.com/julie.vranken
Presentation Info
- Title
- Remote Monitoring@Home: Transforming Care Towards Hybrid Care
- Summary
- The RM@Home project will develop innovative hybrid care paths. It starts with a SWOT analysis of existing care paths. In an iterative co-creation process with all relevant stakeholders, patients included, opportunities for remote monitoring will be integrated in new developed hybrid care paths. Moreover, enhancing collaboration with primary care will be explored per care path. These will be assessed in the final part of the project. Upon successful assessment upscaling will be promoted for international implementation. The objective will be to shorten hospital stay, reduce complications and consequently re-hospitalisations. All contributing to improved quality of life, reduction of healthcare cost & overall burden and a more sustainable healthcare system. In the RM@Home project the focus will be on COPD, mental health, post colorectal surgery and oncological hematology. Expansion to other specialisms is not unlikely. The RM@Home consortium exists of eleven partners in Belgium, Germany and the Netherlands. Cross border cooperation is part of the project. Partners are Univ. Hasselt (lead) (BE), MUMC+ (NL), Univ. Maastricht (NL), CHU de Liège (BE), Univ. Liège - Microsys (BE), Ziekenhuis Oost Limburg (BE), KU Leuven (BE), Alexianer Hosp. Aachen (GE), Comarch (BE & PL) and Games for Health (NL). The project will take three years and is funded by Interreg Rhine-Meuse.
- Keynote
- Info