Speaker Info
- Name
- Ellis Bartholomeus
- Organization
- Ellis In Wonderland & Eindhoven University of Technology
- Country
- The Netherlands
- Biography
- Throughout her career, Ellis Bartholomeus has been intrigued with the value of play. She graduated from the Design Academy in 1996 as a product designer and realized that to have audiences own a message they needed to interact with it. Since then she has been designing play as a method/tool to amplify self-motivated learning and enable rich social interaction. Ellis has co-developed more than 75 games and playful interactive products on a wide spectrum of topics. After years of developing products, Ellis wrote Apply Play, a book on the art of play. She gives talks and facilitates workshops on the value and power of play. During corona Ellis' mother passed away with dementia and Ellis is currently doing research how AI can be a tool for better wellbeing in the topic of dementia.
- Photo
Presentation Info
- Title
- Don't forget to play
- Summary
- Don't forget to play. Dementia is a wicked topic, and most of us will deal with it direct or indirectly in the near future. But how can we learn to deal with this, en foster the wellbeing for everyone involved. ellis will present her personal and professional experience with dementia and designing play as a tool. With the audience together we will explore how we might be able to predict a possible future (or not). How we might treasure (or trash) the past, and what we can do in the now, to interact playfully and maybe lightly yet not ridiculing a sensitive topic as dementia is for each individual differently.... exploring the power of play
- Keynote